“Playgroups are great for young children! For my second child, it gave him a sense of his "own" identity, not always being in his big brother's shadow with his friends.”
“Playgroups are great for children to be around other kids their age, especially if they are an only child!”
“At playgroup, parents learn different parenting strategies to try at home. They also get a community of support, relief from the rigors of child rearing, and a place to meet new people.”
“Moms NEED mom-time. Playgroup is as much for moms as it is for the kids. In fact, maybe more. We vent, worry, laugh, share, and grow together. It keeps me sane. Also, I didn't have any mom-friends when I had my first daughter, so I would have been completely alone without a playgroup.”
“At first the playgroup was a chance to get out of the house and talk to other moms about what is and is not "normal" for kids. Slowly many of these friendships have gotten so deep that we are close friends, often doing things without the kids. In fact, we had a girls overnight trip of just moms. All 9 of us!”