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For Playgroups

“Playgroups are great for young children! For my second child, it gave him a sense of his "own" identity, not always being in his big brother's shadow with his friends.”

“Playgroups are great for children to be around other kids their age, especially if they are an only child!”

“At playgroup, parents learn different parenting strategies to try at home. They also get a community of support, relief from the rigors of child rearing, and a place to meet new people.”

“Moms NEED mom-time. Playgroup is as much for moms as it is for the kids. In fact, maybe more. We vent, worry, laugh, share, and grow together. It keeps me sane. Also, I didn't have any mom-friends when I had my first daughter, so I would have been completely alone without a playgroup.”

“At first the playgroup was a chance to get out of the house and talk to other moms about what is and is not "normal" for kids. Slowly many of these friendships have gotten so deep that we are close friends, often doing things without the kids. In fact, we had a girls overnight trip of just moms. All 9 of us!”

Playgroup Schedules (login required) 

Playgroup Schedules can vary based on meeting days, times, and age ranges of children. Most playgroups are “open” to new members while others are “closed” to limit the number of members in order to host playgroups comfortably in homes. If you do not see an open playgroup that you can join, please contact the Playgroups Coordinator and consider starting your own.
How to Join a Playgroup
  1. Click on the link for the Playgroup Schedules which can vary based on meeting days, times, and age ranges of kids. 
  2. Find an “Open” playgroup that fits your child’s birth date and schedule. 
  3. Email the Playgroups Coordinator  with your child’s name, birth date, and day/time of the playgroup you want to join.

How to Start a Playgroup
  1. Choose a day, time, and frequency that works for you. Decide if you want to meet every week or every other week. Consider the target audience (working or stay-at-home moms).
  2. Identify the age group or birth date span (usually a 6-month range) for this playgroup.
  3. Consider whether or not you want to include siblings.
  4. Email the Playgroups Coordinator with your playgroup information. You will be the Playgroup Leader. The Playgroups Coordinator will help find moms who want to join your playgroup.
Responsibilities of a Playgroup Leader
  • COMMUNICATION. Return emails to your playgroup members promptly, especially if you are starting a new playgroup. Send reminder emails or text messages. Also, ask your members for their feedback often. Contact the Playgroup Coordinator if any questions or concerns arise.
  • CONSISTENCY. Even if only a few people can attend, try not to cancel the playgroup. If you plan an outdoor playgroup, then also plan a back-up location if the weather is problematic. If you are unable to continue as playgroup leader, see if another member would like to be the leader.
  • ORGANIZATION. Ask members to take turns hosting the playgroup and choosing a location to meet. Maintain the playgroup hosting calendar and contact information for your group. Most playgroups are hosted by different members each week.
  • PROBLEM SOLVING. Identify any conflicts or concerns in your playgroup (e.g. a child is a “biter” or a child is aggressive) and discuss them with your members in a tactful and inclusive manner. Reach out to other playgroup leaders or the Playgroup Coordinator for help or advice.
  • FLEXIBILITY. Go with the flow of the group. Nap times and feeding schedules change as children get older. The day and time you meet may need to change to accommodate members’ needs.
General Courtesies (from the BYM By-Laws)
  • Parents are responsible for the well-being, safety, and behavior of their children and guests when attending playgroup and social functions.
  • Please help and encourage your child to pick up toys when the playgroup is over.
  • Please do not attend playgroups or BYM events when you or your child is ill.
Where do we meet for playgroups?  
Playgroups are usually hosted at the homes of the group members or at a park. Playgroups may also meet at an outdoor event like a festival or museum. Snacks and drinks are sometimes offered. Please ask members if anyone has food allergies. When you have the first meeting with your playgroup members, please discuss how you and they would like to host the playgroup. Have fun with it!

Here are some websites that can give you other ideas of fun things to do for playgroups:
Houston Family Magazine
Big Kids Small City (Jill B Jarvis)
The Kids Directory - Family Resource Guide

Can a nanny or grandparent go to my playgroup instead of the mom? 
The Playgroup Leader with input from the members can decide to accept nannies into their group or not. Playgroups composed solely of nannies are not allowed. Playgroups will mostly be mothers and their child(ren), but other caregivers can request to join and attend with the child(ren), such as stay-at-home fathers, nannies, grandparents, aunts, etc.